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Allegations Against Hawa Koomson Are False – King Lu

Private Citizen, King Lu has denied NDC Parliamentary candidate in Awutu Senya East, Phyllis Naa Koryo Okunnor allegations against Hawa Koomson of being gunpoint four times.

According to him, a series of alarming incidents from 2020 where she claims Hawa Koomson, on four separate occasions, brandished a gun and threatened her life were trivial and false.

In his statement, he has asked the NDC parliamentary candidate to provide police evidence that backs his allegations towards Hawa Koomson.

He also claims that Phyllis Naa Koryo Okunnor was arrested in connection with her possession of a gun and the stabbing of the son of the Member of Parliament for Awutu Senya East, Mavis Hawa Koomson on the dawn of Sunday, June 2, 2024.

In his point of view, therefore urged authorities to allow Ghana Police Service to conduct full investigation into the matter.

Read full statement below:

‘King Lu writes ”~ Recent allegations that Hon. Hawa Koomson has threatened the NDC parliamentary candidate at gunpoint four times, is not true. The NDC PC can provide police reports to prove that.

Incident Summary:
– On the day Hon. Hawa Koomson left for a summit in Korea, her son Ato was stabbed.
– The NDC parliamentary candidate is implicated in the failed assassination attempt.
– The police are urged to investigate thoroughly and bring all perpetrators to justice.
– The NDC candidate is considered a prime suspect in the attack.
– In a related development, following the failed assassination attempt, the NDC candidate was seen returning to the electoral office with a pump-action gun. Questions arise about her intentions in carrying a firearm to the EC office.

Authorities should allow the police to conduct a full investigation.