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AMA advocates environmental cleanliness to prevent Dengue fever in Accra

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has urged residents to take proactive measures to prevent the spread of dengue fever, emphasising the importance of environmental cleanliness to curb the breeding of the Aedes mosquito.

According to the AMA, the Aedes mosquito, responsible for transmitting dengue fever, breeds in shallow water, hence the need to maintain clean surroundings.

Director of Health Service at the AMA, Dr Esther Odame-Asiedu, made this known on Thursday during a presentation on the city’s preparedness for a potential dengue fever outbreak during the Accra Metro Health Committee meeting.

Dr Odame-Asiedu advised residents to cover areas where water could accumulate, empty containers that collect water, and store items like tyres in dry areas to prevent water from settling and becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes while recommending wearing long clothing to minimise mosquito bites.