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Bono East Region Queen Mothers declare support for Mahama, laud Lordina’s service

Queen Mothers in the Bono East Region has endorsed the NDC flag bearer John Mahama after Bono East Regional Women Organizer of National Democratic Party (NDC) Esther Owusu Baffour and her entourage met First Lady Lordina Mahama on a campaign tour.

The Queen Mothers in the Bono East Region led by Nana Serwaa Bonsu Ohemaa of the Amantin Traditional area revealed that the former first lady was very instrumental in visiting them to ensure that there is consistent development within the region.

Ohemaa Nana Serwaa Bonsu reiterated that the current government has neglected the Bono East Region hence they are pleading with Lordina Mahama to ensure that they work very hard to ensure resounding victory in the 2024 polls.

“The Bono East region always had a special recognition under former first lady Lordina Mahama she always visited us and ensured we had developmental projects. Lordina Mahama took most of us on foreign trips which helped us a lot so we are throwing support behind Lordina and her husband to win power and bring back development to the Bono East Region,” She said.

She went on to say that during the era of the erstwhile John Mahama administration, Lordina Mahama helped make sure that all the communities within the region benefited from massive development.

Bono East Regional Women Organizer of National Democratic Party (NDC) Esther Owusu Baffour thanked the Queen Mothers and assured them that her outfit is committed to work to ensure that the NDC wins the 2024 general election.