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Comptroller-General Tours Volta Region

The Comptroller-General of Immigration (CGI), Mr. Kwame Asuah Takyi (Esq), has paid a two-day working visit to the various Sectors, Border Crossing Points and Administrative areas of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) in the Volta Region.

The tour took him to the Nyive Sector Command, and the adjoining border posts, such as the Shia border, Atukpui border, Pentecost-Down border and the Klave inland checkpoint. He also visited Wli-Afegame, Kame-Tonu border, Hohoe Sector Command, the Mountain Afadjato tourism site (Twin Mountains) and the Baglo border post (Oti Region).

The CGI toured the region as part of activities lined up, after attending the 66th Independence Day Anniversary. Mr. Takyi’s visit was intended to familiarise himself with the conditions under which his men work, and interact with them.

A durbar was held with officers at each of the places the CGI visited, where he emphasised the need for them to be disciplined, work hard and closely collaborate with other security services to efficiently maintain security at the borders.

He assured them that his administration is doing all it could to ensure that pertinent logistical challenges are resolved.

He also mentioned a new distribution template that has been adopted by the Service in sharing uniforms, especially the camouflage. He was quick to add that officers at the various entry and exit points will be considered first before others.

According to C/Supt Michael Amoako-Atta, Head of Public Affairs of the GIS, the CGI commended the personnel for their relentless efforts in protecting the borders despite the deplorable conditions they faced.

Also speaking at a durbar, the Deputy Comptroller-General, Operations and Command Post (DCG/OPS), Mr. Laud Affrifah, urged personnel of the Service not to abuse the privileges and opportunities they have but rather conduct themselves creditably in order not to bring the hard-earned reputation of the Service into disrepute.

This caution was informed by the recent trending videos of some personnel of the Service which he said contravenes the Code of Ethics of the Service.  “Disciplinary action would be taken against anyone found culpable of such acts to serve as a deterrent,” he stressed.

On that score, the DCG/OPS informed officers that administrative sanctions have been taken against an officer for wearing Service uniform on social media in a way that negatively impacted on the image of the Service.

Officers and men in the various commands visited could not hide their joy at seeing the CGI and having personal interaction with him for the first time.

On his way to Accra, the CGI and his entourage made a brief stop at Asikuma Check Point and the Asuogyaman District Office of the Service to interact with officers there as well.

With him on the tour also was the Regional Commander, Deputy Commissioner of Immigration (DCOI) Michael Kwadade, the Chief Staff Officer (CSO), Assistant Commissioner of Immigration (ACI) Lawrence Agyei Agyapong, and the Officer in charge of Protocol, Deputy Superintendent Barbara Sam.