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Controller and Accountant General ‘swerves’ PAC after parliamentary primary defeat

The Controller and Accountant General, Mr. Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem, chose not to appear before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Monday, January 29, in the wake of his recent loss in the parliamentary primary.

Mr. Kwaning-Bosompem was supposed to come before the Committee on Monday to answer relevant questions, but he was noticeably missing when things got underway.

PAC Chairman James Klutse Avedzi was notified by Deputy Finance Minister Abena Osei Asare that the Controller and Accountant General was unable to come owing to unanticipated circumstances.

The committee urged that Mr. Kwaning-Bosompem come in order to answer a few important questions, even after providing this explanation.

Some committee members rejected the three deputy commissioners that the Controller and Accountant General brought as delegates.

The committee should hold the hearing, James Klutse Avedzi, the PAC Chairman, decisively decided.

After losing the Akim Swedru parliamentary primary on Saturday, Mr. Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem’s dreams of becoming an MP were crushed.

Contrast to the 194 votes cast for the incumbent MP Kennedy Osei, who received 94 votes, Okyere Jerome Kwame received 10 votes.

The Controller and Accountant General announced his desire to run for the seat, making the election in the constituency a hot topic.