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“Incompetent” Bawumia is the worst person to lead Ghana – NDC

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the vice president, is deemed by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to be the least qualified person to lead Ghana into the future.

The NDC General Secretary, , told the media at the NDC Headquarters in Accra that the country could not entrust Dr. Bawumia with its future in reaction to the Vice President’s declaration that he would lead the country.

He claims that Dr. Bawumia is an “incompetent leader, who lacks vision, cannot take responsibility and has no credibility rendering him unqualified to lead Ghana through one of its toughest times in history.”

“However, because he peddled many lies, we are duty bound to set the records straight. Moreover, we must bring to the attention of Ghanaians to grave character and capacity failures that we believe must not be glossed over if trust is to be restored again in political leadership across the partisan spectrum,” he said.

“John Mahama’s vision for Ghana is not just a series of policies and promises. It is a call to action—a call to believe in the possibility of change, to remember the strength that lies in our unity, and to recognize the power of our voices and our votes to shape the destiny of our country.

“Therefore, I stand before you, not just as the General Secretary of the Great NDC, but as a fellow citizen of Ghana, to issue a clarion call to every Ghanaian: let us rally behind a leader who has demonstrated time and again his commitment to our welfare, his dedication to our progress, and his unwavering resolve to lift Ghana to new heights of glory.

“Let this election be more than just a political contest. Let it be a referendum on the kind of Ghana we want to build for ourselves and for generations yet unborn. Let us choose hope over despair, action over inaction, and progress over stagnation. Let us choose John Dramani Mahama, a leader who embodies the best of our values, our aspirations, and our dreams,” the NDC’s General Secretary stated.