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Mayor of Accra visits road crash victim; donates cash for medical treatment

The Mayor of Accra, Hon Elizabeth Sackey has donated an undisclosed amount of money towards the medical expenses of Silvia Dravie, a 36-year-old road crash victim in the metropolis.

Madam Silvia Dravie, a trader and businesswoman, sustained severe injuries to the chest in the early hours of Monday 26th February 2024 when an unregistered Toyota 4×4 driver recklessly drove into her residence.

The Mayor donated when she led a delegation to visit the victim at her residence in Mamprobi a suburb of Accra to empathise and encourage her.

She emphasized the importance of community support stating, “It is our duty as public servants to stand by our fellow citizens in times like these. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and their family, and we hope that this contribution will help alleviate some of the financial burden associated with your medical care.”

She announced plans by the Assembly to undertake road safety enhancement works along the stretch where the recent crash occurred to enhance road safety while highlighting the importance of reducing speed to prevent future crashes.

“The safety of our citizens is paramount, and we are taking proactive measures to address concerns raised by recent incidents… We are considering the construction of speed humps along this stretch to reduce speeding and promote safer driving practices. By implementing these measures, we are committed to creating a road environment that prioritizes the well-being of all users. We urge motorists to adhere to speed limits and exercise caution, as we work towards preventing such tragedies on our roads… Speeding not only endangers lives but also devastates families and communities. As we extend our support to the victim and their loved ones, let us collectively commit to responsible driving practices and creating safer streets for all, ” she said.

Silvia Dravie expressed gratitude to the Mayor for the visit and for providing financial assistance for her medical expenses.

Present at the meeting were the Metro NADMO Director Henry Plange, Metro Roads Director David Afosah-Anim and officials of the  Bloomberg Philanthropies for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) among others.