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We are working to stabilize power cuts in parts of Eastern Region – ECG

Some townships in the Eastern Region that are currently experiencing intermittent power cuts, will have to endure for more days according to the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).

The distributor of the national grid blamed technical challenges from the end of Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCo) as the reason behind the power interruptions in that part of the country.

The statement from ECG, however, assured the residents of the affected areas that power will be stable as soon as the challenge is resolved.

The affected areas include Koforidua township, Okorase, Osabene, Mile 50, Akim Tafo township, Bunso, Osiem, Hemang, Begoro, Asesewa, Kibi, Asiakwa, Apedwa.

The rest are Suhum township, Teacher Mante, Amanase, Akote, Amanhyia, Nankesi Towns, and nearby communities

“ECG wishes to assure affected customers that immediately the technical challenge is rectified, power supply will be restored” the statement from ECG on Thursday, March 21, concluded.

Below is ECG’s full statement